by Platinum Business BrokersNovember 16, 2019 Seller Articles, Seller FAQ, Selling a Business0 comments
Key Mistakes that Could Impact Your Sale
The old saying, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” most definitely applies to any business owner that believes he or she will someday want to sell his or her business. The bottom line is that every business owner has to transition out of ownership at some point. In a recent Inc. article, “Four Mistakes That Could Lower Your Business’s Value and Weaken Its Salability,” author...Read More
Exploring the Offering Memorandum
Are you a business owner who is interested in selling? If so, there are some strategies you should undoubtedly use. At the top of the list is the all-important offering memorandum. The offering memorandum, often referred to as a selling memorandum, is a straightforward but highly effective way to help you obtain the highest possible selling price. Shaping the Executive Summary The offering...Read More
by Platinum Business BrokersOctober 26, 2019 Seller Articles, Seller FAQ, Selling a Business0 comments
Effectively Utilizing Confidentiality Agreements
Every year countless great deals, deals that would have otherwise gone through, are undone due to a failure to properly utilize and follow confidentiality agreements. A failure to adhere to this essential contract can lead to a myriad of problems. These issues range from employees discovering that a business is going to be sold and quitting to key customers learning of the potential sale...Read More
by Platinum Business BrokersOctober 19, 2019 Seller Articles, Seller FAQ, Selling a Business0 comments
The Hidden Benefits of Planning Your Succession Strategy
Succession planning is something that many business owners fail to think about; however, it turns out there are benefits to succession planning that might not be immediately obvious upon first glance. In this article, we’ll explore a recent Accountancy Daily article, “Succession Planning for Business Owners,” which details the wisdom and benefits of succession planning. Accountancy Daily...Read More
Business Owners Can’t Always Sell When They Wish
A recent and insightful Forbes article, “Study Shows Why Many Business Owners Can’t Sell When They Want To” penned by Mary Ellen Biery, generates some thought-provoking ideas. The article discusses an Exit Planning Institute (EPI) study that outlined the reality that many business owners can’t control when they are able to sell. Many business owners expect to be able to sell whenever they...Read More
by Platinum Business BrokersOctober 5, 2019 Seller Articles, Seller FAQ, Selling a Business0 comments
Great Tips for Helping You Find a Buyer for Your Business
No one keeps a business forever. At some point, you’ll either want to sell your business or have to retire. When the time comes to sell, it is important to streamline the process, experience as little stress as possible and also receive top dollar. In Alejandro Cremades’s recent Forbes magazine article, “How to Find a Buyer for Your Business,” Cremades explores the most important steps...Read More
Q2 Small Business Transactions Take a Dip but Strong Market Remains
Small business transactions have been enjoying record numbers. But as of the second quarter of 2019, the numbers have begun to take a small dip. Experts feel that the trade war with China is playing a role, according to a recent article, “Q2 Small Business Transactions Down as Trade War Questions Remain.” The numbers don’t lie, as the number of transactions stood at 2,444 for Q2, which is a...Read More
by Platinum Business BrokersSeptember 21, 2019 Seller Articles, Seller FAQ, Selling a Business0 comments
The Variety of Variables Involved in Selling Your Business
Selling a business is more than a big decision, as it is also quite complex. Finding the right buyer for a business is at the heart of the matter. In the recent Forbes article, “Ready to Sell Your Business? Follow These 3 Tips to Find the Best Buyer,” author Serenity Gibbons outlines that selling a business is a multifaceted process with a lot of moving parts. A central variable for those...Read More
by Platinum Business BrokersAugust 24, 2019 Seller Articles, Seller FAQ, Selling a Business0 comments
Dealing with Inexperience Can Ruin the Deal
The 65-year old owner of a multi-location retail operation doing $30 million in annual sales decided to retire. He interviewed a highly recommended intermediary and was impressed. However, he had a nephew who had just received his MBA and who told his uncle that he could handle the sale and save him some money. He would do it for half of what the intermediary said his fee would be – so...Read More
by Platinum Business BrokersAugust 17, 2019 Seller Articles, Seller FAQ, Selling a Business0 comments